Why do we ask you to fill out an intake form?
It might seem a bore and a waste of time to have to complete an intake form before treatment at Mels Massage, but it is in fact very important.
You may be thinking I’ll just skip that part as I’m not going to the Dr, but please don’t. There are several reasons why we request some health-related background information prior to Massage.
Legal Requirement
Each Remedial Massage Therapist is required to be part of an Association to treat and provide private health fund rebates. These associations state we must take a history prior to seeing a new client for the first time and we are also required to update client personal details at regular intervals.
When you sign the intake form at Mels Massage you are giving consent for treatment and you enter an agreement to comply with care.
Accidents, Injuries & Surgeries
If you have had any previous injuries, surgeries or accidents this may require different considerations for your treatment. Eg. Prosthetic joints and any reconstructions.
Medications & Allergies
Medications need to be noted. Some medications bring different considerations for your Massage Therapist, so this is very important information. For example, blood pressure, blood thinners, Diabetes, Arthritis. If you have sensitivities or allergies it is always good to make your Massage Therapist aware of these too.
If you are pregnant of course this can change the potential positioning for your massage and if the therapist knows this in advance, they can prepare linen and consider treatment options.
All Massage therapists have a legal Duty of Care to their clients. By completing an intake form you enable the staff at Mels Massage to be better equipped to provide the best treatment for you and this will also improve the outcome.
Emergency Contact
If needed the information you provide may be recalled in an emergency whilst you are visiting the clinic to contact your GP and/or family support.
We request you fill out an intake form before attending your appointment at Mels Massage so your assigned therapist can read it over and consider your treatment prior to your arrival.
If for some reason you don’t get to the form beforehand, please try and come 10 mins early and sit and fill it out at the clinic.